Many parents are often confounded when deciding which type of toothpaste to give their young child, and your children’s dentist in Casper is here to help. As a general rule, a fluoridated toothpaste is recommended as soon as your child begins cutting his/her first set of teeth. When a toothpaste containing fluoride is used, it is important to only use a rice-sized smear and to wipe the saliva/toothpaste slurry from your child’s mouth after brushing. Excessive fluoride ingestion prior to the age of three can cause mottling in your child’s front teeth, so it is important that your child not swallow the toothpaste.
Fluoride Toothpaste
A children’s toothpaste is recommended at first because kids often enjoy the flavor and fun, sparkly appearance of many of the brands. If your child does not seem to enjoy a particular brand or flavor try a different kind. Persistence is key to early brushing. Many children do not enjoy brushing at first; but after awhile, it will become part of their normal routine. If resistance persists, try letting your child brush your teeth prior to brushing his and/or brushing with your child laying across you and your partners’ laps.
Fluoride Supplements
If your child is high-risk for getting cavities, fluoride supplementation may be recommended by your child’s dentist after the age of three. Casper’s fluoride water level is less than recommended (0.3 ppm; recommended 0.7 ppm), so additional fluoride supplements can help reduce the risk for future cavities. Fluoride supplements can come in the form of a tasty concentrated gel, a nightly mouthrinse (ACT), and/or a chewable daily table. A systemic daily dose of a fluoride tablet will also incorporate into the crystalline structure of your child’s developing permanent tooth enamel and make these teeth more resistant to cavities.
Contact Us Today!
Please call Casper Children’s Dental Clinic today if you are concerned about your child’s cavity risk and would like to discuss strategies to prevent tooth decay.