Has your little one started drooling a lot? Do they seem more irritable than usual? If so, it’s probably safe to assume that your baby’s teeth are well on their way. Even though primary teeth usually erupt at around six months old, signs of teething usually start much sooner. That said, here are some common signs to watch out for and learn a few ways you can ease your baby’s discomfort.
When Do Babies Start Teething?
It’s hard to say with certainty when your child will get their first tooth as it can vary significantly from baby to baby. Some erupt as early as three or four months old, while others don’t get their first tooth until around or after their first birthday. On average, a baby can expect their first tiny pearly whites to appear around six months old. However, teething symptoms can precede its eruption by as much as two to three months.
Signs and Symptoms of Teething
Let’s take a look at some of the most common signs and symptoms of teething:
Teething can stimulate a lot of drooling. Most babies usually start between ten weeks and four months of age, continuing for as long as their teeth are coming in. If your little one’s shirts are constantly wet, put them in a bib to keep them more comfortable and cleaner. Make sure you gently wipe their chin throughout the day to prevent chapping.
When teeth are erupting and poking through the gums, it can cause babies a lot of discomfort. Many babies find that they can get relief by applying counter-pressure via chewing and biting. Because of that, teething babies will gnaw on anything they can get their hands on. Their hands, toys, crib gates, and even your fingers!
Your little one’s mouth will feel achy as their teeth presses on the gums and poke up to the surface. As a result, your baby may feel irritable and out of sorts. Some might be fussy for just a few hours, but others can stay that way for days or weeks.
Ear Pulling and Cheek Rubbing
Since gums, ears, and cheeks share nerve pathways, your baby may feel the ache in their gums elsewhere. That’s why you may notice that teething babies constantly tug at their ears or rub their cheeks. It’s worth noting that ear pulling can also be a symptom of an ear infection, so you should see if a doctor can determine the underlying cause.
How to Soothe a Teething Baby
Here are some ways you can help your teething baby feel better:
- Give your little one something cold to gnaw on (i.e., pacifier, spoon, clean wet washcloth, or a solid refrigerated teething toy)
- Offer a hard, unsweetened teething cracker
- If your baby is older than six to nine months, try offering cool water from a sippy cup
- Gently massage their gums with your clean finger
Teething might not be a fun process, but it’s certainly a milestone you should be excited about. Before you know it, your baby will have their own set of pearly whites to show off!
About the Practice
At Casper Children’s Dental Clinic, we strive to create a comfortable, fun, relaxing environment that the entire family can enjoy. Our highly skilled team is committed to making every dental experience enjoyable for your little ones. If you have any questions about teething, we’re more than happy to answer them for you. Visit our website or call (307) 266-1997 to speak to a member of our team.