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Casper Children's Dental Blog

Child Dental Safety: The Truth About Dental X-Rays

February 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 7:53 pm
girl after dental X-rays

You’re preparing to take your child to their six-month checkup. When the hygienist escorts you both to the treatment room, they explain to you that your child will need dental X-rays during this visit. Immediately, you express a look of concern. If you suddenly find yourself transported back to your younger days of visiting the dentist and enduring the same process, you’ll be pleased to learn things are much different now. In this article, we’ll discuss the necessity of these images as well as why they’re much safer now for children of all ages.


4 Ways to Help Your Child With Autism Feel Comfortable at the Dentist

January 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 6:25 pm
Child smiling while brushing oversized model of teeth

A child’s first trip to a dental office can be… stressful. With so many new sights, sounds, and people, it’s natural for your little one to feel anxious. As a parent, this can place you in a really tough spot; you know how important dental care is, but you don’t want to put your child in a situation where they feel scared. Luckily, there are a few tips you can implement to help your child with autism feel comfortable with special needs dentistry. To learn what they are, read on!


How Books Can Help Reduce Your Child’s Dental Anxiety

January 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 8:17 pm
father reading to his son

It’s time to schedule an appointment with a children’s dentist for your little one. While it may still be weeks or even months away, you notice each time you bring it up, they became fearful and run away. What can you do? Fortunately, many authors understand this topic all-too-well, which is good news for parents like you. If you want to help minimize your child’s dental anxiety, take a look at a few books that can help make their upcoming appointment a success.


When Is My Child Old Enough for an Electric Toothbrush?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 9:38 pm
young boy using electric toothbrush

Does your child try to turn every toothbrushing session into a production worthy of a Hollywood movie? You aren’t alone in terms of parents who face these theatrics daily. Even an experienced dentist might have a tough time convincing a young child how important brushing is for their oral health.

You may be considering upgrading their manual toothbrush to an electric one to get them excited about brushing, but are you unsure whether your child is ready? Read on to learn more from your children’s dentist in Casper about electric toothbrushes for kids and at what age you can make the switch. 


When Do Babies Start Teething?

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 5:22 pm
teething baby biting fingers

Has your little one started drooling a lot? Do they seem more irritable than usual? If so, it’s probably safe to assume that your baby’s teeth are well on their way. Even though primary teeth usually erupt at around six months old, signs of teething usually start much sooner. That said, here are some common signs to watch out for and learn a few ways you can ease your baby’s discomfort.


3 Challenges Parents Face When Looking for Special Needs Dentistry

October 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 8:12 pm
a child with special needs

It is not uncommon for children with special needs to experience some serious oral health problems. Because of their disabilities, it can make visiting the dentist a difficult and even traumatic experience for some. For parents, the challenges are heightened when trying to find a practice that offers special needs dentistry in Casper. Read on to discover how a trusted dentist can help minimize these challenges and provide children with the help they need to embrace better oral health.


Debunking Common Myths About Children’s Dentistry

September 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 8:32 pm
children smiling

As your child grows, their smile continually evolves and changes with them. With so much happening, it’s no surprise that there are several misconceptions surrounding the care of baby teeth! Unfortunately, these myths can get in the way of your little’s one developing grin. If you’re interested in learning more, read on as a pediatric dentist in Casper debunks five common myths about children’s dentistry.


Is My Child Qualified to Receive Phase 1 Orthodontics?

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 4:27 pm
young girl with Phase 1 Orthodontics in Casper

Is your child at least 7 years old? If so, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends they be seen for a general orthodontic appointment. This visit allows a professional to examine your child’s bite and tooth development to determine if early treatment is necessary. Oftentimes, problems can exist that can be easily addressed with Phase 1 Orthodontics; however, your child’s dentist will first need to determine if they’re a good candidate for this type of service. Read on to learn which criteria are used to decide eligibility and how this method of treatment can positively benefit your child’s smile.


How Can I Tell If My Child Needs a Frenectomy?

June 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 6:27 pm
girl smiling after a frenectomy in Casper

Is your child struggling to swallow certain foods? Do they sound as if they have a lisp? Are they having difficulty breathing through their nose while they sleep? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it may be time to get them in to see a pediatric dentist about whether they need a frenectomy in Casper. If bands of tissues located behind the upper lip and/or underneath the tongue are restricting their oral function, this can negatively impact your child’s ability to eat, speak, sleep, and smile. But do you know what to look for to determine if they need to see a dentist? Here are 5 signs your child needs a frenectomy.


Want to Protect Your Child’s Smile? Here Are 4 Common Questions About Dental Sealants

May 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — casper @ 6:53 pm
two young girls smiling after receiving dental sealants in Casper

Your child’s smile is important, and you work hard to make sure they are brushing and flossing regularly to minimize their risk for tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. But what do you know about dental sealants in Casper? This preventive treatment is a great way to better protect young teeth from bacteria and plaque that may try to enter into the pits and grooves of their chewing teeth. If you think your child might benefit from this type of treatment but still want to know more, a pediatric dentist provides the answers to 4 common questions about dental sealants.

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