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Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment – Casper, WY

Gentle Laser Frenectomies for Lip & Tongue Ties

a baby laying on a blanket

Lip and tongue tie diagnoses are on the rise and more parents are learning the signs to keep an eye out for. If your child is having trouble nursing, has digestive issues and excessive fussiness, or food sensitivities, our wonderful pediatric dentist in Casper, Dr. Paulson, offers precise and fast soft tissue laser frenectomies. Call our office today to schedule an evaluation for your baby and get more information on lip and tongue ties from our knowledgeable team.

Why Choose Casper Children’s Dental Clinic for Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment?

  • Soft Tissue Laser Frenectomies for Improved Comfort
  • Fun & Gentle Pediatric Dentist with Years of Experience
  • In-Network with Most Major PPO Dental Insurances

How Do Lip & Tongue Ties Develop?

a baby with a tongue tie

Lip and tongue ties develop during gestation, while your baby is still growing. Thick pieces of tissue, known as frenulum, begin to form that connect their lips to their gums and their tongue to the floor of their mouth. When these become overgrown, like too thick or too long, they can result in a variety of symptoms as well as decreased oral mobility, impacting your baby’s development. Some of the signs to look out for include:

  • Difficulty latching while nursing
  • Sore nipples
  • Little weight gain
  • Fussiness due to colic
  • Aversion to certain solid foods
  • Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds

The Importance of Treating Lip & Tongue Ties

a mom hugging her baby and smiling

Lip and tongue ties may not seem like a major issue, but they can have more of an impact on their ability to eat, speak, and develop than you would think. When left untreated, these issues can result in speech delays, chronic digestive issues, teeth grinding, sleep-breathing disorders, and even impact posture.

What is a Frenectomy?

a soft tissue dental laser

Lip and tongue tie treatment is referred to as a frenectomy. This process is relatively quick and simple, and completely safe for infants and young children alike. Dr. Paulson uses a soft tissue laser to conduct frenectomies in Casper. This device emits a small beam of light that can easily remove overgrown oral tissue in addition to cauterizing it. As a result, babies experience significantly less post-operative discomfort compared to traditional frenectomy techniques. Its precision also makes treatment less invasive.

After the frenectomy, you may notice your child being more open to eating certain foods, getting better rest, and even pronouncing new words that they may not have been able to before!